法式吐司材料表 Ingredients Used in French Toast #台英雙語

How cheap is white bread in Taiwan? 台灣白吐司到底多便宜?


✅ Episode in Taiwanese and English 台語英語雙聲演出;

✅ Ingredients Used in French Toast 法式吐司材料。

筆記 Notes

  1. bread 麵包 pháng
  2. white bread 白吐司 sio̍k-pháng
  3. egg 蛋 nn̄g
  4. chicken egg 雞蛋 ke-nn̄g
  5. duck egg 鴨蛋 ah-nn̄g
  6. milk 奶 ling
  7. cow milk 牛奶 gû-ling
  8. goat milk 羊奶 iûnn-ling
  9. nutrient 營養 îng-ióng
  10. protein 蛋白質 tān-pe̍k-chit
  11. calcium 鈣質
  12. vitamin 維生素 uî-sing-sòo
  13. spice 香料 hiuⁿ-līau
  14. cinnamon 肉桂 ji̍ok-kùi
  15. vanilla 香草 hiuⁿ-chháu
  16. nutmeg 肉豆蔻 ji̍ok-tāu-khò͘
  17. salt 鹽 iâm
  18. sugar 糖 thn̂g
  19. honey 蜂蜜 phang-bi̍t
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